Tiny Blue Designs
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Burning Bowl Ceremony? A little late, but Happy New Year!
This past New Year's Eve I attended my first burning bowl ceremony. It's not what you are thinking. That initiative didn't pass here in California. I wasn't sure what it was either. My dad had a few jokes about this, too. It was actually quite cool. We walked into the room and meditation music was playing. We grabbed two pieces of paper. After we took a seat, we wrote down things from 2012 that we wanted to be done with and not carry into the new year. You could put down as few or as many things as you wanted. A couple of examples from mine were: the anxiety that I felt about leaving my job and the confidence I lacked when taking a new class. When we were done writing, we crumpled up the paper and tossed it into a fire. Watching it burn was the best part. The woman running it talked about how we were releasing some of the negativity. This is where my husband started to crack up, almost uncontrollably (shoulders shaking), about what (gas) he could release. Thanks sweetie! We sat quietly, listening to the music while the others finished. Then we got out our second sheet of paper and wrote our intentions for the new year. I love that they were called intentions, as opposed to resolutions. This way there is nothing to really break. Some examples from mine were: I am healthy, I am enjoying my classes, I still fit into my same jeans, I am confident in myself when it comes to school, creativity, and new career choices, etc. Now, these are things I intend to be/have happen. Next year, I will take out my paper and see how things went. If I need to put something on my list again, I will. Simple as that. Anyway, I'm glad I went. It was great to try something new. Have a wonderful 2013!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Old Christmas Cards? Put them to use!
Today a friend came over and we made boxes that will hold delicious treats. It's the perfect way to transport your baked goods to a loved one. And the best part is that you are recycling old Christmas cards. My friend was given one of these boxes filled with goodies, and we examined it closely to figure out how to make them. I love when I can use something I have in a new way. We all have Christmas cards from the past that we feel slightly guilty about throwing away. That is how I had enough cards for this. See, a little guilt can be helpful sometimes. I'm sure this craft is nothing new, but it was to us. Our day was filled with crafts and baking. I have been doing craft days with her since our oldest children were little, over 19 years of friendship. Wow! I love doing new things, but traditions warm my heart.
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All finished |
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You will need 7 cards. |
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Cut five of them into rectangles. You choose the size, just make them all the same. This is for the bottom, two of the sides, and two for the roof. |
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Cut two of them like this to match the size of your other ones. These are for the other sides. |
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Use little pieces of yarn to tie the sides together through the holes you made. |
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Continue until all the sides are up. Then trim the edges of the yarn. |
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Leave one side of the roof open on the bottom so it can flip up. This is how you will get the treats in and your friends will get them out. |
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Enjoy! |
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Flower Ornament - and some soup, to boot!
The last few days have been rainy, and I've loved every minute. It's been so nice to light candles, turn on Christmas lights, and listen to the rain. My shopping and wrapping has been done for weeks, so I've really been able to enjoy my family and friends. I've been watching Christmas movies, too. Perhaps I should be embarrassed that sometimes I watch them even when the kids aren't around. Oh well. Those classic claymation movies just take me back to my childhood. You too? This time of year makes me feel cozy and crafty. I have been busy making some paper flower ornaments for Christmas. They are perfect for the tree or to adorn a lovely package. Pictures are below.
But first, if you want a super easy meal, I've got it for you. This raininess (Is that a word?) has made me want soup. Everything in this soup can be found at Trader Joe's. Oh how I love that store! In a pot, add a little bit of olive oil and minced garlic. Let the garlic just start to get brown. Then add TJ's organic roasted red pepper soup. Add some corn, white beans, and lentils. Also, put in a little smoked paprika. Just let it simmer on low for as long as you like. It thickens after a bit. Make a salad, and dinner is done. Delicious and easy! You can add whatever you like. I also put in a little hot sauce to my bowl to give it a kick. I'd put it in the pot, but I have a few wimps in my family.
But first, if you want a super easy meal, I've got it for you. This raininess (Is that a word?) has made me want soup. Everything in this soup can be found at Trader Joe's. Oh how I love that store! In a pot, add a little bit of olive oil and minced garlic. Let the garlic just start to get brown. Then add TJ's organic roasted red pepper soup. Add some corn, white beans, and lentils. Also, put in a little smoked paprika. Just let it simmer on low for as long as you like. It thickens after a bit. Make a salad, and dinner is done. Delicious and easy! You can add whatever you like. I also put in a little hot sauce to my bowl to give it a kick. I'd put it in the pot, but I have a few wimps in my family.
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Cut out eight 1.5" circles of the same color. |
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Cut out eight 1.5" circles from vintage music sheets, and glue them to the back of the solid ones. |
Fold. Email me if you need to see how to make this fold.
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Cut out a 2" circle and glue all 8 folded pieces to it. Start with these 4 to help center it. |
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Cut out a 2" circle from the music sheet to cover the back. Use a tiny hole punch and attach a ribbon. Dust the front and the back with glitter. |
Add a button to the front. I personally like the vintage white one better. |
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Drink, Recycle, and Craft!
I saw this on Pinterest, and it was done a few different ways. They were all adorable. I chose to add glitter to mine. My mom taught me that a little sparkle makes everything better. I agree!
For one snowman (or snow woman) you need 3 bottle caps, white, orange, and black acrylic paint, glitter, ribbon, a glue gun, and white glue or spray adhesive.
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This is what it looks like when it's done. The steps are below. |
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Start with bottle caps from your favorite drink. |
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Paint the insides with white acrylic glue. It might take a few coats. Wait for it to dry between coats. |
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Add glitter. Either coat with white glue and then add glitter, or add the glitter and then cover with spray adhesive. |
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Use orange paint to make the nose. |
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Use black paint for the eyes, mouth, and buttons. |
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Use a glue gun to attach the back of the bottle caps to some thin ribbon. Make sure to make a loop at the top for hanging. |
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Add a scarf using any other ribbon. Trim all the edges. |
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VoilĂ ! A cute ornament for any tree or a topper for a package. |
Friday, November 9, 2012
Starry Lights at Night!
Today was the perfect day. I have been waiting for some rain. I absolutely love summer, swimming, the ocean, flip-flops, and so on. But the rain, ahhhh, it's so peaceful. I have secretly been longing for some. While everyone was out at school and work, I got started on a project. This was not my idea. I've seen it on a few sites, but I pinned it on Pinterest and decided today was the day. Have I mentioned how much I love that site? I don't know who gets credit for it, but it's not me. If you know, please share.
It's a hula hoop chandelier! Sooo cool for outside! The best part? Cheap and easy. Haha! No comments, please. All you need is a hula hoop, duct tape, icicle lights, and fishing line (or wire or chain). You could fix it up however you like.
Since it was a rainy day, I put the chandelier up outside under our sunshade, but didn't stay out their to enjoy. It was a little chilly. However, I did get some pictures. Check them out. I am grateful to live in San Diego, where I know I will have many beautiful nights to be able to enjoy this. But for now, it's time to shut off the lights, make some chocolate ship cookies with my daughter, and watch Stand By Me. It's the perfect end to a perfectly rainy day.
It's a hula hoop chandelier! Sooo cool for outside! The best part? Cheap and easy. Haha! No comments, please. All you need is a hula hoop, duct tape, icicle lights, and fishing line (or wire or chain). You could fix it up however you like.
Since it was a rainy day, I put the chandelier up outside under our sunshade, but didn't stay out their to enjoy. It was a little chilly. However, I did get some pictures. Check them out. I am grateful to live in San Diego, where I know I will have many beautiful nights to be able to enjoy this. But for now, it's time to shut off the lights, make some chocolate ship cookies with my daughter, and watch Stand By Me. It's the perfect end to a perfectly rainy day.
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I saw online that some used 2 strings of lights. This is only 1. |
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Supplies: hula hoop, duct tape, icicle lights, and fishing line |
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Tape the hula hoop with duct tape. |
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Wrap the lights around the hula hoop, using the same tape to secure it. |
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Hang it up using fishing line, wire, chain, etc. Enjoy! |
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Can I Buy Some Confidence, Please?
So I have not been on here in a while. It's been a little difficult lately. Nothing is really wrong. I know it's all part of growing. I just feel like it's already November, and not much has been figured out yet. I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I've been thinking lately that if I could potentially have 30 more years to work, shouldn't I do something I love, love, love? The problem? I don't know what that is. And if I do figure that out, is there a career for that? Or is it teaching and I just needed a break? What if I go in a different direction? What if it's not teaching? Oh, the thoughts that go through my head.
Everything seems scary. Why is it that when I was in my teens and twenties, I had so much more courage an confidence? I even had a child then. Nothing seemed out of reach. I don't recall feeling anxious about things. I just did it. Where is it now? Now there is doubt filling up my head and tightness in my heart.
While this is something that I'm struggling with, I am working on it. I have been forcing myself to get out my comfort zone (even just a little) and move forward. And don't get me wrong. I do have so, so much to be grateful for. I have a house (even though I owe more on it than it's worth), a husband who supports me (even when my ideas are a little crazy), two very beautiful, talented, and kind daughters, amazing parents, a sister for a best friend, and so on and on and on...
I've been a little distant the last month or so. I'm contemplating writing more often. It feels great to get things out. I don't know who actually reads this, but I think I'll try this more often. I can't hurt, right?
Let's move on to something creative (sort of). I have been having a ton of fun with alcohol ink. No, that's not something you drink. I prefer wine or vodka. Ha! I inked some more tiles just because. I found it kind of therapeutic to watch the colors drip and blend on the surface of the tiles (picture below). I went a little nuts. Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of them.
Then I decided to make some necklaces. They turned out pretty cool. The colors are so vibrant and they shimmer in the light (picture below). My very creative friend suggested using them to make something for the garden. That will be one of my next projects. I love color and being outside on a beautiful day, so that will be perfect. Hopefully you will see the finished product very soon.
Everything seems scary. Why is it that when I was in my teens and twenties, I had so much more courage an confidence? I even had a child then. Nothing seemed out of reach. I don't recall feeling anxious about things. I just did it. Where is it now? Now there is doubt filling up my head and tightness in my heart.
While this is something that I'm struggling with, I am working on it. I have been forcing myself to get out my comfort zone (even just a little) and move forward. And don't get me wrong. I do have so, so much to be grateful for. I have a house (even though I owe more on it than it's worth), a husband who supports me (even when my ideas are a little crazy), two very beautiful, talented, and kind daughters, amazing parents, a sister for a best friend, and so on and on and on...
I've been a little distant the last month or so. I'm contemplating writing more often. It feels great to get things out. I don't know who actually reads this, but I think I'll try this more often. I can't hurt, right?
Let's move on to something creative (sort of). I have been having a ton of fun with alcohol ink. No, that's not something you drink. I prefer wine or vodka. Ha! I inked some more tiles just because. I found it kind of therapeutic to watch the colors drip and blend on the surface of the tiles (picture below). I went a little nuts. Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of them.
Then I decided to make some necklaces. They turned out pretty cool. The colors are so vibrant and they shimmer in the light (picture below). My very creative friend suggested using them to make something for the garden. That will be one of my next projects. I love color and being outside on a beautiful day, so that will be perfect. Hopefully you will see the finished product very soon.
Alcohol Inked Tiles |
Alcohol Inked Pendants
Saturday, October 13, 2012
A Work in Progress!
Well, I haven't been on here in a while. I just haven't felt very creative lately, kind of down and discouraged actually. It's really quite stressful to not have a job. This was totally my decision, and I really do feel it was for the best. I could go on and on about all that teachers have to go through, but it seems that only teachers understand that (or the family members that have to live with them). It's an amazing feeling when you see kids learning, but it really is the job that never ends. You take it home with you, sleep with it, dream about it, eat if for breakfast, and then do it all over again - even on the weekends. Your reward? Seeing growth, which is pretty darn cool. For the last 11 years, that's what I've been. A teacher. Now what am I? A sub? Am I still a teacher? Once a teacher, always a teacher? It's the only "real" job I've had. It defines me. I'm beginning to learn that I am so much more, and it's starting to feel okay.
I've been trying some new things (I'll share some other time), and it's really been pushing me out of my comfort zone. I literally have to talk myself through some things. I do this in my own head, so I don't appear too crazy. The last week has been rough, but a few days ago I took inventory. I realized that I was making growth. Not bad. Things that seemed difficult were becoming much easier. Yes, I got this. Little by little. And as time goes on, I'm sure I will open up and share more. This is a start, right?
Anyway, yesterday was a good day. I think I might be back on track. I finished my hummingbird feeder and got started on some new stuff. The Etsy shop is almost ready. We are getting there. I'm breathing (that's good), meditating, exercising, and beginning to be creative again. Check out the hummingbird feeder.
I've been trying some new things (I'll share some other time), and it's really been pushing me out of my comfort zone. I literally have to talk myself through some things. I do this in my own head, so I don't appear too crazy. The last week has been rough, but a few days ago I took inventory. I realized that I was making growth. Not bad. Things that seemed difficult were becoming much easier. Yes, I got this. Little by little. And as time goes on, I'm sure I will open up and share more. This is a start, right?
Anyway, yesterday was a good day. I think I might be back on track. I finished my hummingbird feeder and got started on some new stuff. The Etsy shop is almost ready. We are getting there. I'm breathing (that's good), meditating, exercising, and beginning to be creative again. Check out the hummingbird feeder.
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I started with yellow alcohol ink on an empty wine bottle. It was rough having to drink the wine., but I managed. I had to try out several bottles until I found the right one. |
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Then I added red alcohol ink. I loved the way it looked here. |
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