Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Flower Ornament - and some soup, to boot!

The last few days have been rainy, and I've loved every minute.  It's been so nice to light candles, turn on Christmas lights, and listen to the rain.  My shopping and wrapping has been done for weeks, so I've really been able to enjoy my family and friends.  I've been watching Christmas movies, too.  Perhaps I should be embarrassed that sometimes I watch them even when the kids aren't around.  Oh well.  Those classic claymation movies just take me back to my childhood.  You too?  This time of year makes me feel cozy and crafty.  I have been busy making some paper flower ornaments for Christmas.  They are perfect for the tree or to adorn a lovely package.  Pictures are below.

But first, if you want a super easy meal, I've got it for you.  This raininess (Is that a word?) has made me want soup.  Everything in this soup can be found at Trader Joe's.  Oh how I love that store!  In a pot, add a little bit of olive oil and minced garlic.  Let the garlic just start to get brown.  Then add TJ's organic roasted red pepper soup.  Add some corn, white beans, and lentils.  Also, put in a little smoked paprika.  Just let it simmer on low for as long as you like.  It thickens after a bit.  Make a salad, and dinner is done.  Delicious and easy!  You can add whatever you like.  I also put in a little hot sauce to my bowl to give it a kick.  I'd put it in the pot, but I have a few wimps in my family.

Cut out eight 1.5" circles of the same color.  

Cut out eight 1.5" circles from vintage music sheets, and glue them to the back of the solid ones.

Fold.  Email me if you need to see how to make this fold.
Cut out a 2" circle and glue all 8 folded pieces to it.  Start with these 4 to help center it.

Cut out a 2" circle from the music sheet to cover the back.  Use a tiny hole punch and attach a ribbon.  Dust the front and the back with glitter.

Add a button to the front.  I personally like the vintage white one better.

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