Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Drink, Recycle, and Craft!

This is an easy one.  And who doesn't have any beer bottles in the fridge they'd like to drink up?  If you're not a beer drinker, have no fear!  Chances are you know somebody who does, and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to drink so that you could make something cute.  Or you could use the caps off of a soda bottle, but what fun would that be?  You can also buy the bottle caps at a craft store, but then you're not recycling something.  You choose!  I used some beer bottle caps I saved.  Trust me, it was torture to finish those.  My husband didn't like it either.  Haha!

I saw this on Pinterest, and it was done a few different ways.  They were all adorable.  I chose to add glitter to mine.  My mom taught me that a little sparkle makes everything better.  I agree!

For one snowman (or snow woman) you need 3 bottle caps, white, orange, and black acrylic paint, glitter, ribbon, a glue gun, and white glue or spray adhesive.
This is what it looks like when it's done.  The steps are below.

Start with bottle caps from your favorite drink.

Paint the insides with white acrylic glue.  It might take a few coats.  Wait for it to dry between coats.

Add glitter.  Either coat with white glue and then add glitter, or add the glitter and then cover with spray adhesive.

Use orange paint to make the nose.

Use black paint for the eyes, mouth, and buttons.

Use a glue gun to attach the back of the bottle caps to some thin ribbon.  Make sure to make a loop at the top for hanging.

Add a scarf using any other ribbon.  Trim all the edges.

Voilà!  A cute ornament for any tree or a topper for a package.


  1. You are so creative and adorable......these ornaments are too! No one drinks beer in my family, but i have a few friends who do, maybe I could get some from them!

    1. You are so sweet! I'll have to find a frosty beverage craft. :)
