Friday, November 9, 2012

Starry Lights at Night!

Today was the perfect day.  I have been waiting for some rain.  I absolutely love summer, swimming, the ocean, flip-flops, and so on.  But the rain, ahhhh, it's so peaceful.  I have secretly been longing for some.  While everyone was out at school and work, I got started on a project.  This was not my idea.  I've seen it on a few sites, but I pinned it on Pinterest and decided today was the day.  Have I mentioned how much I love that site?   I don't know who gets credit for it, but it's not me.  If you know, please share.

It's a hula hoop chandelier!  Sooo cool for outside!  The best part?  Cheap and easy. Haha!  No comments, please.  All you need is a hula hoop, duct tape, icicle lights, and fishing line (or wire or chain).  You could fix it up however you like.

Since it was a rainy day, I put the chandelier up outside under our sunshade, but didn't stay out their to enjoy.  It was a little chilly.  However, I did get some pictures.  Check them out.  I am grateful to live in San Diego, where I know I will have many beautiful nights to be able to enjoy this.  But for now, it's time to shut off the lights, make some chocolate ship cookies with my daughter, and watch Stand By Me.  It's the perfect end to a perfectly rainy day.

I saw online that some used 2 strings of lights.  This is only 1.

Supplies: hula hoop, duct tape, icicle lights, and fishing line

Tape the hula hoop with duct tape.

Wrap the lights around the hula hoop, using the same tape to secure it.

Hang it up using fishing line, wire, chain, etc.  Enjoy!

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