Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Can I Buy Some Confidence, Please?

So I have not been on here in a while.  It's been a little difficult lately.  Nothing is really wrong.  I know it's all part of growing.  I just feel like it's already November, and not much has been figured out yet.  I don't know what I want to do when I grow up.  I've been thinking lately that if I could potentially have 30 more years to work, shouldn't I do something I love, love, love?  The problem?  I don't know what that is. And if I do figure that out, is there a career for that?  Or is it teaching and I just needed a break?  What if I go in a different direction?  What if it's not teaching?   Oh, the thoughts that go through my head.

Everything seems scary.  Why is it that when I was in my teens and twenties, I had so much more courage an confidence?  I even had a child then.  Nothing seemed out of reach.  I don't recall feeling anxious about things.  I just did it.  Where is it now?  Now there is doubt filling up my head and tightness in my heart.

While this is something that I'm struggling with, I am working on it.  I have been forcing myself to get out my comfort zone (even just a little) and move forward.  And don't get me wrong.  I do have so, so much to be grateful for.  I have a house (even though I owe more on it than it's worth), a husband who supports me (even when my ideas are a little crazy), two very beautiful, talented, and kind daughters, amazing parents, a sister for a best friend, and so on and on and on...

I've been a little distant the last month or so.  I'm contemplating writing more often.  It feels great to get things out.  I don't know who actually reads this, but I think I'll try this more often.  I can't hurt, right?

Let's move on to something creative (sort of).  I have been having a ton of fun with alcohol ink.  No, that's not something you drink.  I prefer wine or vodka.  Ha!  I inked some more tiles just because.  I found it kind of therapeutic to watch the colors drip and blend on the surface of the tiles (picture below).  I went a little nuts.  Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of them.

Then I decided to make some necklaces.  They turned out pretty cool.  The colors are so vibrant and they shimmer in the light (picture below).  My very creative friend suggested using them to make something for the garden.  That will be one of my next projects.  I love color and being outside on a beautiful day, so that will be perfect.  Hopefully you will see the finished product very soon.

Alcohol Inked Tiles

Alcohol Inked Pendants

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