About Me

Hi!  My name is Lisa.  I have two daughters, ages 14 and almost 21.  Freaky!  I've been an elementary school teacher in San Diego for the past 12 years.  I am taking this year off to unleash my creative side and perhaps go back to school.  That was a crazy, scary decision for me.  My eye is still twitching because of it.  We'll see what happens.  I'll keep you updated.  I am working on opening an Etsy shop, but for some reason it's taking me longer than planned.  I think I'm almost there though.  My goal here is to attempt a new craft every week.  Sometimes I come up with my own things, and sometimes I get inspired by someone else's ideas but put my own twist on them.  I also love the creative side of photography.  I don't have any training in it, but my goal is to teach myself something new every week.  Through this blog, I'd like to share my crafts and photos and my experiences during this year off.  I imagine some weeks will be wonderful and others will make me question myself.  A wonderful friend of mine told me that if I'm feeling uncomfortable (anxious, scared, etc.) then I am growing.  I'm looking forward to this year of growth.

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