Sunday, December 23, 2012

Old Christmas Cards? Put them to use!

Today a friend came over and we made boxes that will hold delicious treats.  It's the perfect way to transport your baked goods to a loved one.  And the best part is that you are recycling old Christmas cards.  My friend was given one of these boxes filled with goodies, and we examined it closely to figure out how to make them.  I love when I can use something I have in a new way.  We all have Christmas cards from the past that we feel slightly guilty about throwing away.  That is how I had enough cards for this.  See, a little guilt can be helpful sometimes.  I'm sure this craft is nothing new, but it was to us.  Our day was filled with crafts and  baking.  I have been doing craft days with her since our oldest children were little, over 19 years of friendship.  Wow!  I love doing new things, but traditions warm my heart.

All finished

You will need 7 cards.

Cut five of them into rectangles.  You choose the size, just make them all the same.  This is for the bottom, two of the sides, and two for the roof.

Cut two of them like this to match the size of your other ones.  These are for the other sides.

Lay them out and hole punch.  There isn't a right or wrong way.  The two that are face up are for the roof.  The others are for the base of the house.  The pictures are on the outside.  I doubled up cards (except for the ones on the roof) to make is sturdier.  You just want to make sure that the pretty part of the card is on the outside.  I tried to make sure the inside was either blank or had a greeting or small picture.

Use little pieces of yarn to tie the sides together through the holes you made.
Continue until all the sides are up.  Then trim the edges of the yarn.

Leave one side of the roof open on the bottom so it can flip up.  This is how you will get the treats in and your friends will get them out.


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